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Customer Testimonials

"By far the best jeweler"

Written by: Frank C.
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Where to begin…! Keith Saxe is by far the best jeweler I dealt with in my whole life. He was so honest and helpful for me when I decided to buy an engagement ring! He truly inspired confidence to me and took the time to explain all that is required when buying a diamond. I never had to wait for Keith to answer my many emails or phone calls — he was prompt and efficient!!! Thanks you so much for making this incredible ring for us Keith; it is truly stunning 🙂

I will definitely do business again with Keith in the near future and highly recommend to others to contact him for all your jewelry needs!

Thank you so much again for everything, Keith!

Frank C.

POSTED: 10/19/2014 05:51:36 PM
Ruby Earrings
Ruby Weight:1.16 Ct (0)Diamond Weig...
Metal:14Kwdiamond Weight:15.93 Ct (...
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